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Michael McDonough in private practice in Ireland

Dr. Michael McDonoughMichael McDonough, M.Ed.85, Ed.S.87, and Ed.D.96 presented at the North American Conference of Adlerian Psychology in Minneapolis Minnesota in June 2010.  The title of the presentation was the "Application of Adlerian Principles in the Public Sector and Private Practice in Rural Ireland".  People attended the talk from China, South Korea, Africa many Canadian provinces and several states in the US.  "Feedback and evaluations from the presentation were very positive", McDonough said. "The training on giving presentations I received at William and Mary was very helpful in making the talk at the conference successful."

Michael McDonough, M.Ed.85, Ed.S.87, Ed.D.96 has opened a private practice in County Cavan in the Republic of Ireland.  Dr. McDonough writes, "I am working with adults and children over 6 performing psychological evaluations and applying Adlerian interventions with individuals, couples, and families for things like depression, anxiety, relationship issues and other psychological problems.

I feel the training I received at William and Mary was second to none. I continue to stay in touch with some of my professors."