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Eastern Virginia Writing Project

Eastern Virginia Writing ProjectThe Eastern Virginia Writing Project, located at William & Mary, is a local site of the National Writing Project. Using the national program design as its model, the EVWP offers teachers the expertise necessary to strengthen and evolve their own writing programs. Through the Teacher-Consultant (TC) program, teachers who participate in the summer invitational institute receive training that not only supports the teaching of writing in the English classroom, but in every classroom and in every subject area, K-12.

Mission Statement

The mission of the Eastern Virginia Writing Project (EVWP) is to improve the teaching of writing and to improve learning in Eastern Virginia's schools. The Eastern Virginia Writing Project recognizes the primary importance of teacher knowledge, expertise, and leadership.

The Eastern Virginia Writing Project believes that access to high-quality educational experiences is a basic right of all learners and a cornerstone of equity. Through its extensive network of teachers, the Eastern Virginia Writing Project seeks to promote exemplary instruction of writing in every classroom in our region of Virginia.

The Eastern Virginia Writing Project values diversity — our own as well as that of our students, their families, and their communities. We recognize that our lives and practices are enriched when those with whom we interact represent diversities of race, gender, class, ethnicity, and language.

The National Writing Project

The Eastern Virginia Writing Project focuses on improving the teaching of writing and the use of writing across the disciplines by offering high-quality professional development programs for educators in their service areas, K-16, and across the curriculum.

The Eastern Virginia Writing Project uses the National Writing Project model that includes:

  1. developing a leadership cadre of local teachers who have participated in the EVWP Summer Writing Institute
  2. delivering customized inservice programs for local schools and institutions
  3. providing continuity by offering continuing education and research opportunities for teacher-consultants
  4. conducting programs for youth, for parents and community members, and for administrators.

EVWP is based at William & Mary and is constituted as a school/post-secondary partnership that identifies, celebrates, and enhances the professional role of successful classroom teachers at all levels.

Summer Institute

The Summer Institute is a professional development opportunity to train teachers on the sustained efforts to improve writing and learning for all learners. 

Youth Writing Camp

The Youth Writing Camp is for students who want to learn how to become authors and artists. 

Contact Us

Eastern Virginia Writing Project
Dr. Lindy L. Johnson, Director
Amelia Wildman, Project Manager
Eastern Virginia Writing Project
William & Mary School of Education
Post Office Box 8795
Williamsburg, VA 23187-8795
(757) 221-2333