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National Advisory Board

In March of 2002, the Center for Gifted Education held its first National Advisory Board (NAB) meeting. Members of the Board provide insights on Center operations, offering their perspectives as representatives from academia, school districts, other gifted centers, and the community at large. At the Annual Meeting, Board members review the progress of the Center in meeting its mission and offer recommendations organized around that mission and the goals of the Center.

Advisory Board Members

Dr. James Borland, Professor of Education
Teachers College, Columbia University, New York

Dr. Linda Brody, Director, Study of Exceptional Talent (SET) & Diagnostic and Counseling Center (DCC) at the Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth (CTY)
The Johns Hopkins University, Maryland

Dr. Nicholas Colangelo, Former Director, Belin-Blank International Center for Gifted Education and Talent Development
University of Iowa, Iowa

Dr. Susan Johnsen, Professor Emeritus
Baylor University, Texas

Dr. Paula Olszewski-Kubilius, Director, Center for Talent Development
Northwestern University, Illinois

Dr. Karen Rogers, Former Research Director
University of St. Thomas, Minnesota

Dr. Del Siegle, Associate Professor
University of Connecticut, Connecticut

Dr. Rena Subotnik, Director, Center for Gifted Education Policy
American Psychological Association, Washington, DC

Dr. Colm O'Reilly, Irish Center for Talented Youth
Dublin City University, Ireland