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Day for Admitted Students!

Admitted Students Day

Every year that I do this event, I always seem to learn something new of either myself or the college. For example, it is when I speak to incoming master students about the program that I notice all that I have done. In addition to my internal self-reflection, I really enjoy talking to others about what William and Mary has to offer. For instance, the awesome shower that we have here at the SOE. There was once a summer long ago when I used that shower. It was during my “runner” phase. Though that time has come and gone, it is still nice to know that it will be there when I can work out again.  I always joke in my tours that you could literally live here if you wanted. We have a kitchen, a shower, and couches to sleep on haha. While I make this joke to future students, I do try to emphasize the importance of self-care. Though the programs can be time consuming, it is important to take breaks to keep your sanity.

In addition to showing students my favorite spots, I also enjoy hearing Dr. Gressard’s introduction to the SPACE program. Every year, Dr. Gressard talks about the program’s past and future achievements. Specifically, how prominent William and Mary alumni are in leadership roles in the field. It really shows how well prepared you will be if you decide to attend this program. When I heard it the first time, it motivated me to attend graduate school. The second time (as a first year master student), it helped me confirm that I made the right choice. The third time (as a second year master student), it motivated me to pursue my doctoral degree. The fourth time (as a first year doctoral student), it made me feel proud to be an alumni. The fifth time (now as a second year doctoral student), it is motivating me to finish this program! (side note: I went home that night and read for my dissertation topic like there was no tomorrow!) So in summation, for those who have not yet decided if you want to attend William and Mary, I hope that you do. You will be surrounded by supportive and highly esteemed people.